This is basically a history of my website. It's primarily here for my use, but if you're feeling nostalgic, hey, I'm not going to stop you.
September 25, 2001:I put up a tuning guide thread from the GameFAQs message board. It looks like crap. If anyone has massive experience with HTML, and you know how to fix this easily let me know. I don't want to spend hours typing in tags around everyones name and I tried the pre tag which does not work either. Anyone's help is greatly appreciated. My contact info is at the bottom of this page.
September 23, 2001:I made a tiny update to the links section. School is really wearing me down. I just found out I had to take an additional course, which could hold back my graduation. I've decided to open up the link section for submissions. If you have a site that you would like me to list here that I don't know about, then submit it to me via e-mail. The link to my e-mail is on the bottom of every page on this site. Also, I am in the process of adding the first tuning guide from the Gran Turismo 3 message board. It is taking me a while to edit it down so please be patient. Also, I'm going to add a section for sports real soon as well, assuming that I'm not too busy. Later.
September 15, 2001:I would like to start by sending out my condolences to everyone who has lost someone in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the crash outside of Pittsburgh. I have a bad feeling that things will only get worse in the years to come. It is very hard to fight an enemy that does not think logically. I would also like to mention that this prediction that Nostradamus made about this, that is floating around the internet is totally false. Apparently, we have some people who like to shout fire in a crowded theater out there. Unfortunately, I have more bad news. I will no longer be able to participate in the survivor games at the GameFAQs boards. It had started out with me not just updating every day. Now I have taken a quiz at school and I know that I got half of the questions wrong. I apoligize to everyone that this affects, but school comes first. Getting 50% on a quiz is unacceptable. I wish to become a math teacher by the start of the next school year, and that means that I must get a 2.5 GPA in all of my classes that I take. I have plenty of time to be on the web on the weekends to update, but the survior boards require daily participation, especially if you are hosting a game like I am. Not only that, there is some controversey regarding the last vote in Digimon survivor, which could have affected the outcome of the game. I also feel that participation is very weak on the survivor board right now, and it just is not worth my time. That being said, I will still keep my eye on the board, and I will post about Survivor 3 and Mole 2 once they start. So this is not goodbye, but more like a reorganization(just like the airlines are being forced to do). I would like to thank everyone who participated in my games for your support, especially Juwse(Biyomon rocks!) and Jasonwong who were instrumental in my survivor board education. By the way, I know we have not done it in a while, but there will be a trivial pursuit real soon. Also, the website will to continue to function as normal, hopefully with more frequent updates.
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