Update Archive-August 2001

This is basically a history of my website. It's primarily here for my use, but if you're feeling nostalgic, hey, I'm not going to stop you.

August 28, 2001:Wow, has it really been that long since I updated? And such a mediocre update too. The good news is, I now have an account at FAU with a faster connection. So, as long as all my homework is done, I can update while I'm at school. I updated the inventories/vitals for survivor RPG, that's it.

August 19, 2001:I now have a poll. Scroll down and vote if it suits your fancy. I know it doesn't look quite right, but I'll fix that tomorrow. I fixed the trivial pursuit info by ranking everyone by average. Now you should get an idea where you stand. The stats are up to date as well. Also, those of you in RPG Survivor will find more information now in that section.

August 18, 2001:Alright, so I didn't update yesterday. So, sue me. Trivial pursuit and 20 Questions has been updated and RPG Survivor is open for business. Those of you participating would be wise to check it out. Expect fairly heavy updates until Wednesday.

August 16, 2001:Tiny, tiny update. I added Doom Darts to the FF3 20 Questions list.

August 15, 2001:Another small update to Trivial Pursuit.

August 14, 2001:AIM Trivial Pursuit Stats have been updated as well as 20 questions. That's it.

August 13, 2001:Well, I have a smattering of updates to tell you about. First of all, Trivial Pursuit on AIM is a huge sucess. It now costs \\$12.50 per month. I accept VISA, MC, AMEX, uhhhhhhh, ok so its still free. We play nightly, just look for me on AIM. Next, I've seen the previews of Transformers:More Than Meets the Eye. It is standard animation, not CGI. It is actually a Japanese series so its real anime. I would have preferred to see the Japanese Headmasters series since we got gypped here in America. On another note I have also added rants and raves to Survivor section(go see it Jasonwong). Also, in that section the rankings have been updated. I added some Gundam Wing info to the anime section based on the numer of kills, check it out. Game show commentary has also been updated. I adde Math's site to my link list so if you've never been there you should take a look. That site is more established then mine. And last but not least, yes, the Trivial Pursuit player statistics have been updated.

August 12, 2001:Because of my brother's insistence that he download a 17 MB file, I have a tiny update which is in the anime section. It's a little bad comedy from Digimon. Bon apetite.

August 11, 2001:MAJOR update. I opened up everything. I added material to the trivial pursuit section and I came up with material so that I could open Video Games, Anime, Roller Coasters, and Links. There really isn't much now but take a look now and then have a look tomorrow when I do a bigger update barring any problems.

August 10, 2001:Minor update. New AIM Trivial Pursuit section is open, check it out. It won't take long, I promise.

August 9, 2001:I did a whole bunch of things today. Added a Survivor Games section to the Survivor section. It's the last link. I would like some imput from my fellow board members. Tell me what you think. Am I way off? Is it a good thing, what I have done? Whatever your answer is, you can contact me. My contact info should now be at the bottom of EVERY single page on my site. If it isn't, let me know. I also got a new counter from bravenet.com. It only counts the hits that I get from visitors and it ignores me when I click on my home page. So I guess those 30+ hits I had are now history. If you would like me to add something to the sight let me know. This can be anything as long as I have an interest in it. Oh, is everyone having fun with the Royal Rumble. I've eliminated two contestants and I think I'll go eliminate a third right now. Till tomorrow.

August 8, 2001:AHHH, the wonders of the internet. Aggravating yet awesome. It took one full day and help from my 14 year old brother to accomplish the home page's new look. What do you think? My e-mail is at the bottom of the page as well as my AIM ID. I also added a little bit to the reality show commentary.

August 7, 2001:Quick update. I opened FF3/20 Questions and I updated my survivor standings. I should make at least one more update today.

August 6, 2001:This has to be a short update because 50 megs is running slower than dog crap tonight. I updated the survivor section with survivors that I have participated in. For now, it will only include survivors that I have been voted out of. I'm also have exciting news for Transformer fans. Apparently, FOX is going to air Transformers:More Than Meets the Eye starting in September. I saw a promo during Digimon today. I hope this means their going back to the old type of Transformers. I'll take any new Transformers I can get. I was disappointed with the way Beast Machines turned out. I was expecting it to be more like Beast Wars. Anyway, if its regular animation or CGI, I'll take it. More on this as it develops.

August 5, 2001:I've opened up Game Shows/Reality Shows for business. Inside it I have opened up the commentary section. You'll find a review of "Canonball 2001" and "Manhunt" in there.

August 4, 2001:The GameFAQs Survivor section is now open for business. In it you will find basic info about the GameFAQs survivors, lists of the survivors that I run, and a ranking of all the players ever to compete in my survivors. More is on the way tomorrow, I promise!

August 3, 2001:Creation of Sandrock's Intent. I finally got off my ass and created a web page. You'll have to excuse the basic look of the page. I'll put up graphics whenever I feel up to it. I am particularly busy with my Survivor games right now, but I will try to update daily until this site has some decent content. What you see right now is what you get.

E-mail the webmaster at SANDROCKLQ@yahoo.com

AIM: SandrockLQ