This is probably the most commonly used game type for the first immunity challenge of any survivor. It usually involves a player just having to post that they have arrived at camp, on the moon, up your a**, etc. Usually, the team who gets all of their members to camp first win immunity. This type of game has different variations and can be used in conjunction with other game types.
We've all seen this type of game. Do step 1, wait 5 minutes. Do step 2 wait 30 minutes. Do step 3, wait 10 min. Do step 4, you're done. You can have as many steps at varying lengths as you feel is necessary.
This is a game in which there is "something" that needs to be destroyed. This "something" usually has a set amount of HP(Hit Points). The players are given some weapons to choose from, that will do a certain amount of damage to the "something." The weapons have cooldown(an amount of time, i.e. 5 minutes) times which prevent players from destroying the "something" in a few quick posts. The cooldown usually is proportional to the amount of damage done, but there is usually at least one weapon that isn't. I'll explain this in a future update.
This game is riddled with debate, but I'll leave that for another time. This game is usually not used in normal survivors, but is instead its own survival type game. It has different versions but most involve placing C4(plastic explosive) on another player, and either that player or another player must remove it before it explodes.
WTF, essay? Yes, essay. This usually involves convincing the host in your ability to write what he/she wants you to write. Not much else to say about this right now.
Do I really need to explain this one? Use your brain for a change.
This game involves players trying to guess where something is or going to locations on a grid and accomplish some sort of task. I'll exoplain the advantages/disadvantages of this game in a future update.
In this game, usually used in team play, you have one person do something, then a different person, then another, and so on. In other words, when one person finishes a step they hand it off to the next person in line. This is a really bad description, but really, how many of you don't know what a relay race is?
This one is simple. This type of game requires you to post at a time specified by the host. You can use this in so many ways it isn't funny. You can tell them to post with 09 seconds or at 30 minutes, or whenever. Pretty basic style game.
This would be any game that forces you to make use of other websites or boards, usually to answer questions or to find something. This coulde also involve getting someone from another board to post as part of a challenge.
If you want to do a really good survivor, you should avoid using contests as immunity challenges. The ones I'm talking about are for stuff that is subjective. For example, asking players to name a tribe, then picking the one you like most and giving them immunity.
I have not seen this used yet, but I'm thinking about using this myself someday. You make up a maze and give a player directions to choose from. the player then tries to make it to the end of the maze.
This type of game is a lot like dungeons and dragons. You have a dungeonmaster who gives players instruction and choices, and the dungeonmaster chooses what happens. This type of game is not well suited for traditional survivor games.
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