Justice League

This page contains episode summarys and reviews of the new Justice League show on Cartoon Network. I must say that this show is a vast improvement over the old superfriends show that I watched as a kid. Justice League, GASP, actually has a plot!

Martian Manhunter Arc

Episode 1-3(Secret Origins)

Summary:Aliens land on Earth and attack it at different spots around the globe. At first we see Batman and Superman fight off these seemingly invincible aliens. Superman is drawn to a military base telepathically where it is revealed that the Martian Manhunter is being held there. Manhunter has also drawn other heroes from around the globe which include the Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, and Wonder Woman. Manhunter explains that the aliens attacking earth have destroyed his homeworld on Mars. The heroes split up and attempt to take out the alien strongholds, but they are forced to regroup after Batman is killed and Superman and Hawkgirl are captured. Just as it seems the aliens have won, Batman appears and takes out the aliens power source. The heroes than expose the aliens to sunlight which apparently kills the aliens. Bruce Wayne(Batman) than uses his wealth to build an early warning system and space station for the newly formed Justice League to use.

Review:I know I'm missing a couple of important things, but I need to get the episode on tape because I forgot a those couple of things. A fairly good pilot episode. They don't waste a lot of time developing the charachters, which will probably come in later episodes. They do develop John(Martian Manhunter) quite a bit though as the previously mentioned aliens did destroy his homecivilization on Mars. Superman and Batman have been well established in their own TV series. Flash was seen in one episode of Superman when he reaced him around the world, but we still don't know a lot about him, except that he is the comic relief of the group. Wonder Woman, who I don't think has been in an animated cartoon since 1987, or whatever was the last date that Superfriends aired, is presented as a newbie super hero. To my surprise, she can fly(I heard she can do this in the comics)so we won't be seeing the invisible jet anytime soon. The black, green lantern is primarily there to be politically correct, but at least he actually exists in the comics, so i have no problem with him being there. Of course they could make it simple by bringing back the Black Falcon. And of course we have Hawkgirl, who I have not seen as she is now. She's just awesome. Hopefully, we'll get to see some of her background in the future.

Green Lantern Arc

Episode 4

Summary:Jon Stewart is wanted for the destruction of a planet and is sought out for trial. The manhunters are sent after him to bring him to trial. The Justice League gets into a fight with these manhunters until John Stewart surrenders to them. The Justice League follows and tries to find a way to clear Jon's name.

Episode 5

Summary:Flash steps up as Jon's advocate at the trial, even though he would have to serve sentence with the accused. He buys time for Supes, Hawkgirl, and Manhunter to find out what really happened. They find out that the planet that GL(Green Lantern) destroyed actually still exists. It is a plot set up by the manhunters to get back at the Green lantern corps for treating them like slaves. With Stewart's name cleared, just in the nick of time, the Justice League enters battle with the Manhunters, in order to protect the Green Lantern elders(the guys who give out the rings to worthy individuals. Angered with being set up, John takes out the lead manhunter and restores the Green Lantern corps.

Review:That was a really bad summmary, but I don't give a crap anyway. It's the review I like doing. We get a small look at John's past. By the way, is it not confusing to have John Stewart(Green Lantern) and J'Onn J'Onzz(Martian Manhunter). Anyway, this your basic frame up plot, although I kind of like the setup. I though this was only going to be about John Stewart, but it was actually about the green Lantern corps. And what's with the blue weirdos. Is that what the corps looks like in the comics? There were also some weird looking Green Lanterns, especially that beach ball, whoever he was. After 5 episodes, we have yet to see a well established villian, but I har we'll see some in the near future.



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