Game Show/Reality Show Commentary

August 13, 2001:I just wanted to say I'm glad that James got knocked out of Manhunt. What was with that bandanna with the smileys on it? I was kind of sad to see Wesley go, he seemed nice enough. Let's go Jim, you can do it. You can take that commando wannabe's $250,000. And my pick from Small Town X is still in the game so I'll keep on rooting for him.

August 8, 2001:Just a couple of quick comments. First of all, wtf is Canonball on consecutive days. I like just turned my TV on USA and there it was, day 4. USA, I am really pissed at you. Oh well, I'm sure they'll rerun it a billion times. Also, I was mad because that cranky, awful women made it back in Murder in Small Town X. Karen I think her name is. I'm horrible with names. She had better not win, that's all I've got to say. Right now I would put my money on the guy from Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

August 5, 2001:It's actually Aug. 6 where I'm typing this which means its 1:15 am where I am, but since I wanted to update my page on consecutive days, I have to consider the west coast of America:) Anyhoo, I'm very tired so I won't keep you long.

First up is Manhunt. First the bad stuff. Where is the host? I don't like to consider active participants hosts, so what's his name with the buzz cut(somebody please give me his name) doesn't count. I guess the show doesn't need a host, but I think it weakens the show somewhat. The other bad part is that the show is a bit simple. I can go play paintball 20 minutes from my house. What bugs me is that the hunted have no way of fighting back. They should really arm the contestants and allow them to shoot the hunters. That would make things a bit more interesting. Then they can change the name of the show to Paintball Fight. I can't say there is much that is positive with the show but I like the way they vote in front of each other. It's something new. I also like the fact that the person who is voted for, gets a chance to stay in the game. It gives them a sporting chance. I'll reserve complete judgement for now and I'll let the show run it's course. I hope the minister guy wins, he's my pick to win. He has God on his side:)

Next and last on my list is Cannonball 2001. I got a kick out of seeing Sue and Jeff from Survivor on this show. I'm picking them to win because they know how to "survive." They even got that guy from Temptation Island with them now. They can't lose. I'll have more on this show as it progresses, but I like it so far. I have to. I'm a fan of the two movies that were made. Now all we need is the sports car with the two hot chicks.


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